
Τρίτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

New Statesman: “Επιλεκτική μηδενική ανοχή. Υπάρχει ακόμα δημοκρατία στην Ελλάδα;”

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Τι αναφέρει δημοσίευμα του περιοδικού New Statesman για τη δημοκρατία στην Ελλάδα του 2013, για την κακοποίηση των τεσσάρων συλληφθέντων και για τη Χρυσή Αυγή
Χρήστος Δεμέτης
news247   Φεβρουάριος 05 2013   22:23
Ο τίτλος του άρθρου του New Statesman είναι ενδεικτικός του θέματος του: “Επιλεκτική μηδενική ανοχή: εξακολουθεί να υπάρχει δημοκρατία στην Ελλάδα;”. Ο συντάκτης στηλιτεύει την κυβερνητική πολιτική σε ότι αφορά το πεδίο των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων.

“Η κακοποίηση τεσσάρων νεαρών αναρχικών, οι οποίοι συνελήφθησαν για ληστεία σε τράπεζα, στα χέρια της αστυνομίας αποδεικνύει ότι είναι ώρα να απευθυνθεί κανείς στον κυβερνητικό συνασπισμό όπως του αρμόζει: ως ένα ακροδεξιό αυταρχικό σχήμα”, αναφέρεται χαρακτηριστικά.

Γίνεται επίσης αναφορά στην επιχείρηση Ξένιος Ζευς, επισημαίνοντας ότι “από τους 73.100 ανθρώπους οι οποίοι συνελήφθησαν συνολικά, μόνο σε 4.352 απευθύνθηκαν κατηγορίες”.

Σύμφωνα με τον Γιάννη Μπαμπούλια, που υπογράφει το άρθρο, “ο κυβερνητικός συνασπισμός έχει πλέον να αντιμετωπίσει τις καταγγελίες για βασανισμούς κρατουμένων και τη σχέση της αστυνομίας με τη Χρυσή Αυγή, την ίδια ώρα που η εξεταστική για τη “λίστα Λαγκάρντ” είναι σε εξέλιξη και η κυβέρνηση προωθεί το νέο φορολογικό”.

“Μέτωπο κατά του αναρχικού χώρου”
“Ο τρόπος με τον οποίο ανοίγει η ατζέντα αυτού του ζητήματος αποκαλύπτει κάτι πολύ βασικό. Αυτή η κυβέρνηση αναγνωρίζει τους αναρχικούς και τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ως τους βασικούς αντιπάλους της στην πολιτική σκηνή”, αναφέρεται παρακάτω.

“Με την εισβολή στις καταλήψεις, όπως στη Βίλα Αμαλίας, η κυβέρνηση έκανε ακόμα μια χάρη στη Χρυσή Αυγή, τα μέλη της οποίας επιτίθενται ανοιχτά σε ανθρώπους χωρίς όμως συνέπειες. Οι καταλήψεις είχαν σταθεί εμπόδιο στις δραστηριότητες των νεοναζί”.

“Τα βασανιστήρια, που παραβιάζουν το Σύνταγμα και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, θυμίζουν στους Έλληνες την περίοδο της Χούντας”, γράφει το New Statesman, σχολιάζοντας τον ξυλοδαρμό των τεσσάρων συλληφθέντων για τις ληστείες στη Κοζάνη.

“Είναι καθήκον όλων μας να εκθέσουμε και να σταματήσουμε τις συνεργασίες με αυτούς που δεν διστάζουν να αγνοήσουμε τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, να αρνηθούμε μια καθαρά φασιστική αστυνομία και όλους αυτούς που δεν βλέπουν ρατσιστικά κίνητρα όταν μέλη της Χρυσής Αυγής δολοφονούν ανθρώπους στη μέση του δρόμου.
Είναι καιρός να ζητήσουμε την παραίτηση του Νίκου Δένδια και κάθε υπουργού με την ίδια νοοτροπία”.

“Αν δεν θέλουμε να δούμε περισσότερα παιδιά γεμάτα με οργή και θυμό, με όπλα στο χέρι ενάντια στο σύστημα, που μετατρέπει ανθρώπους σε γρανάζια που δουλεύουν για ψίχουλα και βασανίζει όσους αρνούνται να συμμορφωθούν με αυτό, τότε ήρθε η ώρα να μιλήσουμε και να πούμε τι ακριβώς είναι η ελληνική κυβέρνηση:
Μια ακροδεξιά αυταρχική ομάδα, καλυμμένη με ένα λεπτό πέπλο φιλοευρωπαϊκού φιλελευθερισμού. Το να αρνηθούμε να την αναγνωρίσουμε ως οτιδήποτε άλλο είναι υποχρέωση για τον καθένα μας”, καταλήγει το άρθρο.

Πηγή: news247.gr (New Statesman)



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The original article in english

Selective zero-tolerance: is Greece really a democracy anymore?

The abuse suffered by four young anarchists, arrested for a bank robbery, at the hands of the police proves it’s time to call Greece’s coalition government what it is – a far-right authoritarian group.
Members of the Greek ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn party wave Greek flags
Members of the Greek ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn party wave Greek national flags during a gathering of Greek nationalists in central Athens on 2 February 2013. Photograph: Getty Images
Earlier this year, the Greek Minister of Citizen Protection declared he would take up initiatives to restore law and order in the capital of the crisis-stricken country. Nikos Dendias spearheads an attempt by the coalition government produced in last June’s elections to show that while the public coffers are empty and people are seeing their quality of life reduced to shambles, the state is present and it can still provide them with a sense of safety at the very least.

Xenios Zeus was one of those initiatives, a crackdown on “illegal immigrants”, its failure (from 73,100 people arrested, only 4,352 were charged with anything) a big problem for the government. The coalition is also now dealing with accusations of tolerating an increasingly authoritarian police force that is torturing people and colluding with the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn, alongside the Lagarde list scandal taking its toll and two very difficult parliamentary votes looming. The first is a new tax code that will find manyGreeks unable to pay their tax bills in 2013 and the second an investigation into the names included in the Lagarde list (the list of around 2,000 potential Greek tax evaders with undeclared Swiss HSBC accounts passed to the Greek government by Christine Lagarde in 2010), with at least two senior members of the government involved in an attempt to bury the files before they were published three months ago.

Since the crackdown on immigration didn’t work as the ministry had expected, their next move was to attack occupations and spaces associated with the anarchist movement. This should not come as a surprise since it is exactly these political spaces that have moved to organise in many neighborhoods and stand against the neo-Nazi gangs now roaming the streets of Athens, often with very high cost. But the manner in which this agenda is pursued has revealed something more: this government now sees the anarchists, as well as SYRIZA, as its opponent on the political stage. By cracking down on squats like that of Villa Amalias a month ago, the government is doing a favour for the Golden Dawn thugs who attack people openly with no repercussions – it was squats like that which traditionally stood as an obstacle to the ever expanding activities of the neo-Nazis and which as many locals have stated, helped keep the area around it safe. The spin is to baptise anarchists as the tools of SYRIZA, terrorists who enjoy the support they get from the opposition party. They have gone on the record with this many times.

But it’s the arrest of four young anarchists (aged between 20 and 25) this weekend after a failed bank robbery that brings back the political nature of Dendias’ agenda and of the police’s fascist tendencies. Two of them already wanted as suspects in the “conspiracy of the cells of fire” terrorist group, they were arrested in Kozani after trying to flee the bank while chased by the police. Witnesses of the incident claim that when they realised they couldn’t get away, they exited the car and surrendered peacefully. However, the pictures published by the police show them to have been extensively abused, their faces swollen to the point where the mother of one didn’t recognise her son when she was allowed to see him. His own testimony leaves no doubt as to what transpired. He claims they were fitted with hoods, tied up and beaten for hours after their arrest. That the police tried to crudely photoshop the bruises “to make them recognisable” as Dendias himself stated points to the extent of the abuse. The use of torture is straightforwardly forbidden by the Greek constitution and violates human rights, while reminding the Greeks of the Colonel’s Junta and their systematic torture of dissidents.

A video showing the four being transferred leaves no doubt as to their political alignment. In front of the cameras, they shouted defiance at a country that has pushed its youth to extremes with the apathy that now runs deep in our lives, making us afraid of losing the few things we have left. “We only lost a battle, not the war” and “Long live anarchy”, they shouted, not to the cameras, but to the faces of those who stand by idle. Dendias didn’t even bother to launch an inquiry into the conditions under which they were tortured despite stating that “there is no desire to cover up anyone or anything”. Prime ministerial advistor Failos Kranidiotis, in an exchange we had on Twitter, sided with the police and spoke of injuries that were caused during the arrest, despite the absence of evidence backing his claims. How could anyone disarm a “terrorist armed like a lobster” with his punches? That is his claim and that of Dendias. He said “the monopoly of violence belongs to the state” and spends more time being sarcastic towards journalists who called him out on his statements than actually providing a factual basis for them. The New Democracy government is trying to condemn an entire ideology and along with it, all righteous outrage.

But this is the sort of policy line the government currently walks. Thin on arguments, strong on propaganda, full of venom and revenge against all those who oppose their totalitarian plans in any way. That the four kids were arrested for armed robbery does not justify torture, because that only brings us one step away from legitimising the torturing of the fifteen anti-fascists last October. All this wears only one colour, and it’s the colour of hate against those who will not stand for members of far-right groups and think-tanks (as Dendias and Kranidiotis were in the Nineties) to crack down on their lives and their dreams.

One of the four arrestees was a friend and present in the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos by a police officer in 2008, which sparked two weeks of unrest in the Greek capital. That we already see a revisionist line in operation in the mainstream media that suggests Grigoropoulos would become a terrorist himself is indicative of the intentions of this government. It is our duty and Europe’s to expose and stop co-operating with those who won’t hesitate to ignore human rights, refuse to reform a clearly fascist police force, and who don’t see racist motives when supporters of the Golden Dawn murder immigrants in the street. It is time to ask for the resignation of Nikos Dendias and any like-minded cabinet members. If we don’t want to see more kids boiling with anger, taking up arms against a system intent on turning them into drones working for scraps, torturing them when they refuse to conform, then it is time to speak out and call this government what it is: a far-right authoritarian group, dressed in a thin-veil of pro-European liberalism. Refusing to recognise them as anything but that is now an obligation for each and every one of us.
Source: newstatesman

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